Coding workshop: Week 1

basics of using RStudio, intro to tidyverse
pipe (%>%) operator
Workshop date

April 4, 2024


June 13, 2024

1. Summary


  • tidyverse


  • calculations using mean() and max()
  • read in data using read_csv()
  • filter data using filter()
  • arrange data using arrange()
  • create new column using mutate()
  • group data using group_by()
  • count observations using count()
  • chain functions together using %>%
  • visualize data using ggplot()
  • creating points and lines using geom_point() and geom_line()

Data source

This workshop’s data comes from Tidy Tuesday 2023-06-20, which was from the National UFO Reporting Center and by Jon Harmon.

2. Code

1. Intro to scripts

In class, we use an R Script. It allows you to write your code (recipe) and run the code in the console (kitchen).

R considers everything in the script as code to run, so you can write comments in the R Script by putting a pound sign at the beginning of the line. This is especially useful when you want to explain what your code is doing at each line in plain language.

Try writing a comment of your own in the line below.

# This is a comment!

2. Intro to functions

R allows you to apply functions to do calculations, from simple to complex structures. Run code by putting your cursor on the line and hitting Ctrl + Enter or Cmd + Enter.

mean(c(4, 5, 1, 2, 1))
[1] 2.6

You can store things you want to use over and over again as objects.

numbers <- c(4, 6, 2, 5, 3, 10)

and then you can use those objects in functions.

[1] 10

3. loading in packages and data

ufo_sightings <- read_csv("ufo_sightings.csv")

4. cleaning and wranging

These are all functions in the tidyverse that allow you to work with your data in R.

First, you can filter by state to only include California.

df1 <- filter(ufo_sightings, 
              state == "CA") 

Then, you can arrange the data frame by date.

df2 <- arrange(df1,

Then, you can make a new column just with the year.

df3 <- mutate(df2,
              extracted_year = year(reported_date_time)) 

Then, you can group the data frame by year and shape.

df4 <- group_by(df3, 
                extracted_year, shape)

Then, you can count the number of occurrences by year and shape.

df5 <- count(df4) 

Then, you can filter the data frame by the shapes you’re interested in.

df6 <- filter(df5, 
              shape %in% c("formation", "circle", "orb", "changing", "light"))

5. an easier way to clean and wrangle

You can use what’s called a pipe operator to chain functions together. The keyboard shortcut for a pipe is Ctrl + Shift + M or Cmd + Shift + M.

When reading your code aloud, you can read the pipe as “and then”

new_mexico <- ufo_sightings %>% # use the ufo_sightings data frame
  filter(state == "NM") %>% # and then, filter by state to only include New Mexico
  arrange(reported_date_time) %>% # and then, arrange by date
  mutate(extracted_year = year(reported_date_time)) %>% # and then, create a new column for the year
  group_by(extracted_year, shape) %>% # and then, group by extracted_year and shape
  count() # and then, count occurrences

6. data visualization

ggplot(data = df6, 
       aes(x = extracted_year, 
           y = n,
           color = shape)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_line() +
  labs(x = "Year",
       y = "Number of sightings",
       title = "UFOs in California are mostly light")