title: "Week 9 figures - Lecture 16"
editor: source
freeze: auto
message: false
warning: false
code-fold: true
- name: An Bui
url: https://an-bui.com/
affiliation: UC Santa Barbara, Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology
affiliation-url: https://www.eemb.ucsb.edu/
published-title: "Lecture date"
date: 2024-05-29
date-modified: last-modified
categories: [multiple linear regression, AIC]
url: https://spring-2024.envs-193ds.com/lecture/lecture_week-08.html
```{r libraries}
# cleaning
# visualization
theme_set(theme_classic() +
theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_text(size = 18),
axis.title = element_text(size = 18),
text = element_text(family = "Lato")))
# data
# analysis
drought_exp <- read_xlsx (path = here ("data" ,
"Valliere_etal_EcoApps_Data.xlsx" ),
sheet = "First Harvest" )
# cleaning
drought_exp_clean <- drought_exp %>%
clean_names () %>% # nicer column names
mutate (species_name = case_when ( # adding column with species scientific names
species == "ENCCAL" ~ "Encelia californica" , # bush sunflower
species == "ESCCAL" ~ "Eschscholzia californica" , # California poppy
species == "PENCEN" ~ "Penstemon centranthifolius" , # Scarlet bugler
species == "GRICAM" ~ "Grindelia camporum" , # great valley gumweed
species == "SALLEU" ~ "Salvia leucophylla" , # Purple sage
species == "STIPUL" ~ "Nasella pulchra" , # Purple needlegrass
species == "LOTSCO" ~ "Acmispon glaber" # deerweed
)) %>%
relocate (species_name, .after = species) %>% # moving species_name column after species
mutate (water_treatment = case_when ( # adding column with full treatment names
water == "WW" ~ "Well watered" ,
water == "DS" ~ "Drought stressed"
)) %>%
relocate (water_treatment, .after = water) # moving water_treatment column after water
# math
## variance inflation factor
The VIF for the $j^{th}$ predictor is:
VIF_j = \frac{1}{1-R
where $R^2_J$ is the $R^2$ value obtained by a model with the $j^{th}$ predictor as a response and the rest of the predictors as predictors.
ggpairs (drought_exp_clean, # data frame
columns = c ("leaf_dry_weight_g" , # columns to visualize
"sla" ,
"shoot_g" ,
"root_g" ),
upper = list (method = "pearson" )) + # calculating Pearson correlation coefficient
theme_bw () + # cleaner theme
theme (panel.grid = element_blank ()) # getting rid of gridlines
plant_model_all <- lm (total_g ~ leaf_dry_weight_g + sla + root_g + shoot_g,
data = drought_exp_clean)
vif (plant_model_all)
plant_model_simple <- lm (total_g ~ leaf_dry_weight_g + sla + r_s,
data = drought_exp_clean)
vif (plant_model_simple)
model1 <- lm (total_g ~ sla + water_treatment + species,
data = drought_exp_clean)
vif (model1)
# interaction terms
using a modified version of the frog toxicity model
## no interaction
frog_num <- 30
set.seed (666 )
frogs <- tibble (
weight = c (
round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = 5 , sd = 0.35 ), 2 ),
round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = 5 , sd = 0.35 ), 2 )
color = c (
rep ("green" , frog_num),
rep ("blue" , frog_num)
) %>%
mutate (toxicity = case_when (
color == "green" ~ round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = 2 , sd = 0.1 ), 2 )* weight - 5 ,
color == "blue" ~ round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = 2 , sd = 0.1 ), 2 )* weight - 3
ggplot (data = frogs,
aes (x = weight,
y = toxicity,
color = color)) +
geom_point ()
frog_mod <- lm (toxicity ~ weight + color,
data = frogs)
simulateResiduals (frog_mod) %>% plot ()
summary (frog_mod)
ggpredict (frog_mod,
terms = c ("weight [all]" ,
"color" )) %>%
plot (show_data = TRUE ,
limit_range = TRUE ) +
scale_color_manual (values = c ("green" = "darkgreen" ,
"blue" = "blue" )) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ("green" = "darkgreen" ,
"blue" = "blue" )) +
theme_classic () +
theme (legend.position = "none" )
## with interaction
set.seed (666 )
frogs <- tibble (
weight = c (
round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = 5 , sd = 0.35 ), 2 ),
round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = 5 , sd = 0.35 ), 2 )
color = c (
rep ("green" , frog_num),
rep ("blue" , frog_num)
) %>%
mutate (toxicity = case_when (
color == "green" ~ round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = - 2 , sd = 0.1 ), 2 )* weight + 15 ,
color == "blue" ~ round (rnorm (n = frog_num, mean = 2 , sd = 0.1 ), 2 )* weight - 7
ggplot (data = frogs,
aes (x = weight,
y = toxicity,
color = color,
shape = color)) +
geom_point (size = 3 ,
alpha = 0.8 ) +
# scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0, 7)) +
scale_color_manual (values = c ("green" = "darkgreen" ,
"blue" = "blue" ))
frog_mod1 <- lm (toxicity ~ weight + color, # no interaction
data = frogs)
frog_mod2 <- lm (toxicity ~ weight * color, # interaction
data = frogs)
simulateResiduals (frog_mod1) %>% plot () # no interaction
simulateResiduals (frog_mod2) %>% plot () # interaction
summary (frog_mod1) # no interaction
summary (frog_mod2) # interaction
model.sel (frog_mod1, # no interaction
frog_mod2) # interaction
ggpredict (frog_mod2,
terms = c ("weight [all]" ,
"color" )) %>%
plot (show_data = TRUE ,
limit_range = TRUE ) +
scale_color_manual (values = c ("green" = "darkgreen" ,
"blue" = "blue" )) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ("green" = "darkgreen" ,
"blue" = "blue" )) +
theme_classic () +
theme (legend.position = "none" )
calculating slopes (very hacky):
predictions <- ggpredict (frog_mod2,
terms = c ("weight [all]" ,
"color" )) %>%
group_by (group) %>%
filter (predicted %in% c (max (predicted), min (predicted))) %>%
arrange (group)
# solve for slopes
green_slope <- (pluck (predictions, 2 , 2 ) - pluck (predictions, 2 , 1 ))/ (pluck (predictions, 1 , 2 ) - pluck (predictions, 1 , 1 ))
blue_slope <- (pluck (predictions, 2 , 4 ) - pluck (predictions, 2 , 3 ))/ (pluck (predictions, 1 , 4 ) - pluck (predictions, 1 , 3 ))
# solve for intercepts
green_intercept <- pluck (predictions, 2 , 2 ) - (green_slope* pluck (predictions, 1 , 2 ))
blue_intercept <- pluck (predictions, 2 , 4 ) - (blue_slope* pluck (predictions, 1 , 4 ))
ggpredict (frog_mod2,
terms = c ("weight [5]" ,
"color" ))
green_slope* 5 + green_intercept
blue_slope* 5 + blue_intercept
# simpson's paradox
bill_model <- lm (bill_length_mm ~ bill_depth_mm, data = penguins)
simulateResiduals (bill_model) %>% plot ()
summary (bill_model)
confint (bill_model)
bill_model_preds <- ggpredict (bill_model, terms = "bill_depth_mm" )
model_plot <- ggplot (penguins, aes (x = bill_depth_mm, y = bill_length_mm)) +
geom_point () +
geom_line (data = bill_model_preds, aes (x = x, y = predicted), color = "blue" , linewidth = 2 ) +
geom_ribbon (data = bill_model_preds, aes (x = x, y = predicted, ymin = conf.low, ymax = conf.high), alpha = 0.2 ) +
theme_classic () +
labs (x = "Bill depth (mm)" , y = "Bill length (mm)" )
length = -0.65*depth + 55.07
#| fig-width: 10
bill_model2 <- lm (bill_length_mm ~ bill_depth_mm* species, data = penguins)
par (mfrow = c (2 , 2 ))
plot (bill_model2)
summary (bill_model2)
lrtest (bill_model2)
anova (bill_model2)
waldtest (bill_model2)
ggpredict (bill_model2,
terms = c ("bill_depth_mm [all]" ,
"species" )) %>%
plot (show_data = TRUE ,
limit_range = TRUE )
penguins %>%
group_by (species) %>%
summarize (min = min (bill_depth_mm, na.rm = TRUE ),
max = max (bill_depth_mm, na.rm = TRUE ))
bill_model2_preds <- ggpredict (bill_model2,
terms = c ("bill_depth_mm [13.1:21.5 by = 0.1]" ,
"species" )) %>%
as_tibble () %>%
rename (species = group) %>%
mutate (keep = case_when (
species == "Adelie" & between (x, 15.5 , 21.5 ) ~ "keep" ,
species == "Chinstrap" & between (x, 16.4 , 20.8 ) ~ "keep" ,
species == "Gentoo" & between (x, 13.1 , 17.3 ) ~ "keep"
)) %>%
drop_na (keep) %>%
select (- keep)
model2_plot <- ggplot (penguins,
aes (x = bill_depth_mm,
y = bill_length_mm)) +
geom_point (aes (color = species)) +
geom_line (data = bill_model2_preds,
aes (x = x,
y = predicted,
color = species),
linewidth = 2 ) +
geom_ribbon (data = bill_model2_preds,
aes (x = x,
y = predicted,
ymin = conf.low,
ymax = conf.high,
fill = species),
alpha = 0.2 ) +
scale_color_manual (values = c ("cornflowerblue" , "darkgreen" , "darkorange" )) +
scale_fill_manual (values = c ("cornflowerblue" , "darkgreen" , "darkorange" )) +
theme_classic () +
labs (x = "Bill depth (mm)" ,
y = "Bill length (mm)" ,
color = "Species" ,
fill = "Species" )
model_plot + model2_plot
extract_eq (bill_model)
\operatorname{bill\_ length\_ mm} = \alpha + \beta_{1}(\operatorname{bill\_ depth\_ mm}) + \beta_{2}(\operatorname{species}_{\operatorname{Chinstrap}}) + \beta_{3}(\operatorname{species}_{\operatorname{Gentoo}}) + \beta_{4}(\operatorname{bill\_depth\_mm} \times \operatorname{species}_{\operatorname{Chinstrap}}) + \beta_{5}(\operatorname{bill\_depth\_mm} \times \operatorname{species}_{\operatorname{Gentoo}}) + \epsilon
\operatorname{bill\_ length\_ mm} = \alpha + \beta_{1}(\operatorname{bill\_ depth\_ mm}) + \epsilon